The Role of Generative AI in Enhancing Human Resource Management Recruitment, Training, and Performance Evaluation Perspectives

Chaminda Rathnayake

University of Peradeniya, Pilessa, Matale, Sri Lanka.

Aruni Gunawardana

University of Moratuwa, Wewala, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Human Resource Management, Performance Evaluation, Predictive Analytics, Recruitment Training


The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Human Resource Management (HRM) signifies a transformative shift in the way organizations approach recruitment, training, and performance evaluation. This paper explores the multifaceted role of Generative AI in enhancing HRM practices, offering innovative solutions for efficiency and effectiveness in managing human capital. In recruitment, Generative AI is a game-changer, enabling automated candidate screening that leverages algorithms to sift through resumes and applications. This process not only accelerates recruitment timelines but also fosters fairness and objectivity in candidate selection. Moreover, AI's capability to generate dynamic job descriptions can better align candidate skills with organizational needs. Predictive analytics, another facet of Generative AI, allows organizations to anticipate future hiring requirements and candidate success, based on analysis of historical recruitment data. Training programs also benefit substantially from the application of Generative AI. By creating personalized learning paths, AI caters to individual employee needs, learning styles, and career aspirations, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of training initiatives. Interactive tools and simulations, developed through AI, further enrich the learning experience, making it more engaging and practical. Performance evaluation is another domain where Generative AI makes a significant impact. The technology aids in establishing objective performance metrics, drawing on a wide range of data points to minimize subjectivity and bias. Continuous feedback mechanisms, enabled by AI, provide employees with real-time insights into their performance, fostering ongoing improvement. Additionally, predictive performance analysis, a feature of AI, can project future employee performance trends, highlighting areas for development and growth. The deployment of Generative AI in HRM necessitates a balanced approach that respects ethical considerations, ensures transparency, and complies with data protection laws. Human oversight remains crucial to mitigate potential biases or errors in AI algorithms. In summary, Generative AI stands as a powerful tool in redefining HRM practices, offering scalable, data-driven solutions that are tailored to the evolving needs of the modern workforce.