Addressing the Digital Divide: Ethical Approaches to Equitable AI Implementation in Healthcare

Tran Minh Quan

Anisa Rahma


The digital divide represents a significant barrier to the equitable implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, exacerbating disparities in access to and the quality of healthcare services. This paper explores ethical approaches to bridging this divide, ensuring that AI technologies in healthcare are accessible and beneficial to all segments of society, irrespective of socio-economic status or geographic location. By examining the root causes of the digital divide, including disparities in technological infrastructure, digital literacy, and data representation, this paper proposes a multifaceted strategy for ethical AI implementation. It emphasizes the importance of inclusive design, stakeholder engagement, and policy interventions in promoting equity. The paper also discusses the responsibilities of AI developers, healthcare providers, and policymakers in ensuring that AI-driven healthcare solutions do not widen existing health disparities but rather serve as a tool for promoting health equity. Through a comprehensive analysis of current trends and ethical considerations, this paper aims to provide actionable insights for achieving equitable AI implementation in healthcare, contributing to the broader goal of universal health coverage.