Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Healthcare: An In-Depth Analysis of Big Data Solutions and Regulatory Compliance

Isabella Silva

Chilean Rural Science Institute

Manuel Soto

Andes Agritech Research Centre

Keywords: Privacy-Preserving Techniques, Big Data Solutions, Regulatory Compliance, Healthcare Providers, Policymakers


The confluence of privacy-preserving techniques, big data solutions, and regulatory compliance has ushered in a new era in healthcare. This paper explores the key findings and implications of this convergence, highlighting its impact on healthcare providers and policymakers. Privacy-preserving techniques, such as homomorphic encryption and differential privacy, have emerged as vital tools for safeguarding patient data while allowing for advanced data analytics. Big data solutions have revolutionized healthcare by enabling the efficient storage and analysis of vast datasets, empowering predictive analytics, clinical decision support, and personalized medicine. Meanwhile, stringent regulations, including HIPAA and GDPR, impose strict requirements for data handling and security.  The findings reveal a delicate balance between data utility and privacy preservation. By adopting privacy-preserving techniques, healthcare providers can leverage big data to improve patient outcomes, optimize resource allocation, and reduce costs. Regulatory compliance is non-negotiable, and healthcare providers must prioritize data governance and security to instill trust in the healthcare system. The broader implications for healthcare providers underscore the transformation of data-driven decision-making. Early disease detection, personalized treatment plans, and preventative measures are now attainable, enhancing patient care and satisfaction. Policymakers face the challenge of keeping regulations aligned with technological advancements, emphasizing the need for adaptability and standardization. Our recommendations include investing in robust data governance, educating staff, promoting interoperability, ensuring ethical AI integration, and staying informed and adaptable. The future of data sharing in healthcare hinges on a commitment to ethical data practices, regulatory compliance, and the seamless integration of advanced technologies.