Exploring the Relationship Between Video Game Engagement and Adolescent Wellness: A Multidimensional Analysis

Ngozi Ezechi

Department of Social and Psychological Sciences University of Abuja

Keywords: Adolescent development, Video games, Cognitive skills, Social interaction, Physical health, Emotional well-being, Moderation, Time management


This research provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse effects of video games on adolescent development. Focusing on positive and negative aspects, the research explores the potential benefits of video game engagement as well as the risks associated with excessive use. The positive influence of video games on adolescent development is investigated through several dimensions. Notably, video games offer a platform for positive social interactions, particularly in multiplayer and online settings, fostering teamwork, communication skills, and the establishment of friendships. Moreover, the cognitive development aspect highlights how video games challenge players with intricate puzzles, strategic thinking, and problem-solving tasks, enhancing critical thinking, spatial reasoning, and decision-making skills. This cognitive stimulation has the potential to positively impact academic performance and cognitive abilities. The role of video games in stress relief and relaxation is also discussed. Adolescents often find in gaming an avenue to escape daily stressors, thereby contributing to enhanced mental well-being by effectively managing stress and anxiety. The moderation and time management dimension underscores the importance of balanced gaming engagement. Adolescents who learn to allocate time for gaming alongside other activities develop essential time management skills that carry into adulthood. Furthermore, the evolving perception of video games' impact on physical activity and health is addressed. Contrary to the sedentary stereotype, fitness-oriented games and motion-sensing technology encourage physical activity through dance, sports simulations, and exercise routines. This serves to promote healthier lifestyles among adolescents who may have otherwise engaged less in traditional forms of exercise. However, the abstract also acknowledges the risks of excessive video game engagement. Prolonged gaming sessions can lead to reduced physical activity, disrupted sleep patterns, and compromised face-to-face social interactions. Excessive gaming is associated with potential drawbacks, including gaming addiction, negative impacts on academic performance, and mental health challenges.