The Impact of Wearable IoT Devices on Early Disease Detection and Prevention

Tarek Ibrahim

Luxor Metropolitan University, School of Computing and Information Technology

Hisham Ali

Qena Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Information Systems Department

Keywords: Continuous Monitoring, Data-Driven, Immediate Alerts, Healthcare System Integration, Lifestyle Insights


The advent of Wearable IoT devices has marked a transformative shift in healthcare, placing a strong emphasis on early disease detection and prevention. These sophisticated devices, equipped with sensors and algorithms, enable continuous monitoring of vital signs and physiological metrics. This real-time tracking capability not only aids in the early identification of potential health anomalies but also paves the way for a more personalized healthcare approach. The data-driven nature of wearables is particularly noteworthy. By analyzing vast amounts of user data, these devices can proactively suggest interventions, often forecasting potential health risks well before they manifest clinically. This predictive capability encourages users to either adopt preventive measures or seek timely medical consultations. Another pivotal feature is the immediate alert systems embedded in these devices. Users are promptly informed about concerning health patterns, ensuring that potential issues are addressed without delay. The potential for wearables to seamlessly integrate with the broader healthcare system, especially electronic health records, cannot be understated. Such integration fosters real-time communication between patients and healthcare providers, streamlining the process of early detection and optimizing treatment strategies. Beyond just health metrics, wearables also delve into the realm of lifestyle and behavior. By meticulously tracking daily activities and habits, these devices offer a holistic view of an individual's well-being, providing feedback that nudges users towards healthier life choices.