Comprehensive Management Approach for Sepsis: A Review of Key Steps and Strategies

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, city of Nur-Sultan

Iman Abdelhady Elshnoudy

Faculty of medicine Tanta university

Keywords: Sepsis, Management approach, Recognition and diagnosis, Supportive care, Antibiotic therapy, Hemodynamic support, Organ function support


Sepsis, a life-threatening condition resulting from a dysregulated host response to infection, necessitates prompt recognition and timely intervention to improve patient outcomes. This study presents a comprehensive overview of the management approach for sepsis, encompassing recognition, diagnosis, supportive care, antibiotic therapy, source control, hemodynamic support, organ function support, close monitoring, and adjunctive therapies. Recognition and diagnosis serve as crucial initial steps in sepsis management. Timely identification is imperative, utilizing clinical findings such as infection-related signs and symptoms coupled with evidence of organ dysfunction. The provision of supportive care, including adequate oxygenation, fluid resuscitation, and vigilant monitoring of vital signs, is pivotal in maintaining physiological stability. The administration of oxygen to sustain saturation above 90% and intravenous fluids to restore and optimize blood flow are essential components of this phase. The prompt initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics, guided by factors such as suspected infection source, local resistance patterns, and individual patient considerations, forms a vital aspect of sepsis management. Effective source control strategies, such as abscess drainage, tissue debridement, and removal of infected devices, play a pivotal role in mitigating ongoing infection and promoting recovery. Hemodynamic support assumes paramount importance due to the frequent occurrence of blood pressure instability and compromised organ perfusion in septic patients. While fluid resuscitation is the initial approach, vasopressor medications may be required to ensure adequate blood pressure and tissue perfusion. Organ function support becomes essential when sepsis progresses to severe sepsis or septic shock, leading to organ dysfunction. Specific interventions tailored to individual organ systems, including respiratory support with mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapy for kidney failure, and supportive care for other affected organs, aid in maintaining vital functions. Close monitoring of vital signs, laboratory parameters, and organ function is imperative throughout the management process. Serial assessments provide valuable insights into the response to treatment, enabling healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and adjust interventions as necessary. Adjunctive therapies, such as corticosteroids or activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa), may be considered in select cases based on patient-specific factors and established guidelines.

Author Biography

Iman Abdelhady Elshnoudy, Faculty of medicine Tanta university